Newtown Creek Bath Bombs!


Housebound by COVID-19 and missing your estuary? HarborLAB has you covered, from head to toe, with our Newtown Creek bath bombs! Soak and sooth your pandemic worries away in a truly authentic New York City kayaker way!

Each 6.66 oz ball is made from what biologist John Waldman describes as “black mayonnaise,” a viscous sedimentary silt infused with invigorating industrial toxins, petroleum, and a vital culture of anaerobic bacteria. Guaranteed to dissolve your stress along with your limbs.

Newtown Creek bath bombs are a sustainable product. If used during a rainstorm in lower Manhattan or North Brooklyn, your bath water returns to Newtown Creek along with flushed toilets, street runoffs, and all other wastewater in combined sewer overflows.

Even if you’re not a paddler, you can experience the tingle enjoyed by kayakers and canoeists who capsize while clearing plastic trash or seeding oysters in our local Superfund site!

Order yours today by clicking HERE!

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